If it's more than 1 then you're looking for something that does 49 on hit to softem them up.I played on a duel server and looked for low levels who used the standard knight class, beat them and finished them off with the pommel when they had 0hp due to fleshwound.Trying to get this without other players help but to no success yet.Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.© Valve Corporation. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.An interesting First Person Melee Combat that is currently in Development.Considering how badly Ubisoft fucked up For Honor I'm seeing plenty of potential customers for this game.Too long have I waited for the chance to End Someone Rightly. Like, when they jsut finished a close fight.Throw it at someone that has 'Fleshwound' and is about to die (you can tell by the whining/whimpering and possibly a lost limb). It even shows up in the comments on other sword-related channels, like Lindybeige. His work has also appeared on, , and the Morning News.TikTok lesbians will make earrings out of literally anything,‘Gen Z tattoo’ design called out as Nazi symbol on TikTok,Microsoft purchases Bethesda for $7.5 billion,‘Uber Karen’ gets her trip canceled because of her bad attitude.